Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Sort ascending Title Description Date
Outage Research SVN Server Outage The SVN server was offline.
Outage Research Backup System Offline The backup server for research systems is offline while disk maintenance is performed.
Outage CCB 247 data center overheat issue The temperature rapidly rose in the CCB Data Center. 
Outage TSO Infrastructure Linux Systems Patching - 8/6/24 TSO will patch the production Linux servers and VM hosts, as well as the web database servers.
Outage Brief network outage - 5/11/22 Started 3:30pm - notified at 3:45pm\rResolved at 4:15pm
Outage Campus IT Services Degradation Intermittent outages of campus-wide IT services.
Outage Offline The file server is offline.
Outage CoC Exchange Outage Exchange is unreachable from Outlook.
Outage Outage The file server went offline.
Outage Partial Mopier Outage The CoC mopier server stopped processing print requests from Windows clients.
Outage Backup server failure On Saturday April 24 the backups of the hosts listed below failed due to the Solstice service declaring the index files to be corrupt. The index check process hung and the databases had to be manually checked. Unfortunately the Backups for these hosts failed Saturday April 24th and Sunday April 26th. awesome davro blanche hagrid jupiter klaatu know malay2 murray myrna newblue rotnart
Outage Academic-mysql/php Outage The academic-mysql/php server is offline.
Outage CommVault Server Outage CommVault backup/restore services are offline.
Outage Partial Campus Network Outage Networking on the east side of campus and most wireless LAWN was offline.
Outage CoC Websites Outage Several CoC websites were offline.
Outage Occasional Rejected Mail to CoC Users Occasional email rejections.
Outage Exchange outage Exchange services down
Outage CCB Machine Room Cooling Cooling problems in CCB machine rooms
Outage LPR Outage LPR was disabled for Linux and UNIX.
Outage Research Collaboration Web Server Outage The Research Collaboration Web Server,, suffered a disk failure in its RAID 5 array.
Outage School Website and outage School websites and were down due to issues following patching
Outage Mailman Outage - 6/19/2020 Temporary Mailman Outage
Outage Website Migration New CoC websites moved to production.
Outage ypmaster server reboot Yp was no longer responding
Outage FileMaker Pro Service Interruption The CoC FileMaker Pro server experienced technical difficulties.