Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.
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Type of Notice | Title | Description Sort descending | Date |
Outage | Down | The website was unavailable. | |
Outage | AdminFS is unresponsive | The windows file server AdminFS became unresponsive after patching this evening at 5:15pm. | |
Maintenance | Fiber Repair Work | The work will affect the core College router and network for CCB, Aware Home, KACB and TSRB. LAWN in KACB and TSRB will still be accessible during the maintenance period. | |
Outage | Ypmaster server rebooted | The ypmaster stopped updating the netgroup file. | |
Outage | Website alias issues | The ~ aliases for individual websites are currently not functioning and show a 404 error. | |
Outage | BES, Exchange, & SharePoint Outage | There is a power outage for the CRB and GTRI buildings | |
Maintenance | Maintenance - 1/25/24 | There may be a brief downtime for due to maintenance tonight, 1/25/24. | |
Outage | Brief network outage | There was a brief interruption to the College of Computing network | |
Outage | CCB 2nd floor brief power outage | There was a brief power outage on the 2nd floor of the CCB on Saturday which caused workstations on that floor to shutdown/reboot. | |
Outage | Mailing List Outage | There was a failure with Mailman over the holiday weekend. | |
Maintenance | Brief server outage (KACB 2219) | There will be a brief server outage affecting KACB 2219\r | |
Maintenance | CCB Power Outage Dec. 18-21, 2018 | There will be a full building power outage Dec. 18-21, 2018 | |
Maintenance | Killerbee Cluster Reboot | There will be an emergency reboot of the killerbee cluster to address a recent vulnerability. | |
Maintenance | Test alert | This is a test alert. | |
Maintenance | Certificate update for email2 | This is to update the bad certificate on email2. Down time should only be about 15 minutes. | |
Outage | Outage | This print server went down. | |
Outage | reloaded | This server was reloaded following an OS failure. | |
Maintenance | Klaus Server Migration | Three servers will be moved from KACB to CCB in anticipation of a chilled water outage over the semester break. | |
Maintenance | Power Down of Retired System | will be powered down. | |
Maintenance | upgrade | TSO and Best Practical will upgrade Request Tracker on | |
Maintenance | College of Computing Network Maintenance | TSO and OIT will perform network maintenance to improve security. | |
Maintenance | VSS Fiber Maintenance | TSO and OIT will re-enable the network fiber connection that was disabled after the recent VSS maintenance. | |
Maintenance | Server Patching | TSO annual system patching. | |
Maintenance | Server Patching | TSO annual system patching. | |
Maintenance | Server Patching | TSO annual system patching. |