Building Access en Using a Security Asset Manager (SAM) key box <span>Using a Security Asset Manager (SAM) key box</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><h3> Instructions for removing a key from CoC's SAM key box:</h3><p> 1. Swipe your buzzcard in front of the prox reader.</p><p> 2. Lift up the slide latch to open the door.</p><p> 3. The light(s) will indicate your authorized keys.</p><p> 4. Remove the key that you need.</p><p>  </p><h3> Instructions for returning a key to CoC's SAM Key box:</h3><p>  </p><p> 1. Swipe your buzzcard in front of the prox reader.</p><p> 2. Lift up the slide latch to open the door.</p><p> 3. The light(s) will indicate your authorized keys.</p><p> 4. Return the key to the appropriate # position.</p><p> 5. Turn the key until it is locked in place.</p></div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span><time datetime="2012-02-29T10:28:41-05:00" title="Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - 10:28">Wed, 02/29/2012 - 10:28</time> </span> Wed, 29 Feb 2012 15:28:41 +0000 admin 154 at How do I use the GT EVENTS system? <span>How do I use the GT EVENTS system?</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p><strong>To Login</strong>:</p><ul><li> Point a web browser to <a href=""></a></li> <li> Under <em>My Account</em>, select <em>Log In</em>.</li> <li> Enter your GT account information ( same as Techworks, LAWN, and GT email) and select <em>Login</em>.</li></ul><p><strong>To Browse for Space Availability:</strong></p><ul><li> Under <em>Browse</em> select <em>Browse for Space</em></li> <li> To view availability for a particular space, click <em>Filter</em> (top right corner of screen), <ul><li> Under <em>Facilities</em>, select the building and click <em>Apply</em></li> </ul></li> <li> Use the &lt;&gt; arrows to change the Date (top left of screen)</li> <li> Use the &lt;&gt; arrows to change the Time (top right of screen)</li></ul><p><strong>To Reserve a Space:</strong></p><ul><li> Under <em>Reservations</em>, select the appropriate <em>Request</em> and the reservation Screen will open</li> <li> In the <em>When and Where</em> Box, <ul><li> Select the Date of the event by clicking the calendar icon<br /> (<em>Note: You can schedule a recurrence of the event by clicking the Recurrence icon.</em>)</li> <li> Select the Start Time and End Time of the event by clicking the clock icon<br /> (<em>Note: Rooms that have a default setup and tear down time will automatically calculate in your room reservation.</em>)</li> <li> Select the Facilities where the event is to be held by clicking the magnifying glass and click <em>Apply</em></li> </ul></li> <li> In the <em>Setup Information</em> box, <ul><li> Enter the number in Attendance</li> <li> If applicable, select <em>Setup Type</em> (event forms only)</li> <li> Click <em>Find Space</em></li> </ul></li></ul><p>If a room is available, it will appear in the <em>Availability</em> window.</p><ul><li> Click the <em>plus sign</em> for space that you would like to reserve. The space will then move to the <em>Selected Locations</em> window above</li> <li> Click <em>Continue</em> or <em>Submit Reservation</em></li> <li> In the <em>Event Details</em> Box, <ul><li> Enter the <em>Event Name</em> and select the <em>Event Type</em></li> </ul></li> <li> In the <em>Group Details</em> box, <ul><li> Select <em>Group</em> from the dropdown menu. If nothing appears, click the magnifying glass</li> <li> For <em>Group name contains</em>: enter the name of your department, and click the magnifying glass to search.<br /> (<em>Note: If you are a student and not a part of a chartered organization the group name will be Student.</em>)</li> <li> Once the group is located, click the <em>plus sign</em> to add it to your profile.</li> <li> Click the X at the top right of the box to close the window and return to the request form.<br /> (<em>Note: The group you selected will now appear in the group drop down list.</em>)</li> </ul></li></ul><ul><li> Select <em>Group</em> from the drop down list</li> <li> Select <em>1st Contact</em> from the drop down list</li> <li> If applicable, select <em>2nd Contact</em> from the drop down list</li></ul><ul><li> If applicable, in the <em>Equipment</em> box, select any equipment needed</li> <li> If applicable, in the <em>Setup</em> Notes, enter any pertinent setup info</li> <li> If applicable, in the <em>Billing Information</em>, enter the billing info</li> <li> Click <em>Submit Reservation</em></li></ul><p>The <em>Bookings</em> window will appear and your booking should have a status of Web Request until confirmed. You have successfully scheduled your request for the space.</p><p><strong>To View Current or Historical Bookings:</strong></p><ul><li> Under <em>Reservations</em>, select <em>View My Requests</em></li> <li> Click the <em>Current</em> or <em>Historical tab</em></li></ul><p><strong>To Cancel a Reserved Space:</strong></p><ul><li> Under <em>Reservations</em>, select <em>View My Requests</em></li> <li> Click the <em>Current</em> tab</li> <li> Click on the <em>Name</em> of the event</li> <li> Click the <em>red X</em> under <em>Actions</em> and when the diaglog box “Are you sure you want to cancel this booking?” pops up, select <em>OK</em></li> <li> The <em>Status</em> of the reservation will change to <em>Cancelled</em></li></ul><p><strong>To Logout:</strong></p><ul><li> Under <em>My Account</em>, select <em>Log Out</em></li></ul><p><strong>A few helpful notes:</strong></p><ul><li> For CoC/ECE Faculty and Staff only, small conference rooms (i.e. rooms other than the Atrium and 1116) are immediate confirmation if available. (At the current time, no confirmation notice is generated but you can review your requests online) For student requestors, confirmation is still required once the online request is reviewed or they can request through a staff or faculty member.</li> <li> If the expected attendance exceeds the listed room capacity, the date or the time is already reserved, then the space will not appear in the list of availabilities.</li> <li> There is a 30-minute window block on either side of events for set up, breakdown, vacating the space etc. for 1116, four hours for the Atrium. This will also prevent the space from showing as available.</li></ul></div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span><time datetime="2011-07-29T15:46:16-04:00" title="Friday, July 29, 2011 - 15:46">Fri, 07/29/2011 - 15:46</time> </span> Fri, 29 Jul 2011 19:46:16 +0000 admin 71 at