Email en Adding a shared calendar using Outlook Web Access (OWA) <span>Adding a shared calendar using Outlook Web Access (OWA)</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>To open or add a calendar to your Office 365 account, you can use the following procedure.</p><p>Login to <a href=""></a> using your GT credentials.  Then, select the grid at the top left and select <strong>Calendar</strong>.  </p><p><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/O365_app_switcher.png" width="528" height="379" /></p><p>Near the top of the screen, click  <strong>Add calendar</strong> -&gt; <strong>From directory</strong>.</p><p>  <img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/O365_add_calendar.png" width="181" height="229" /></p><p>Search for the user or calendar name and click <strong>Open</strong>.  This will add the calendar to your account.  In the following picture, the search term used and calendar added was "TSRB222".</p><p>  <img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/O365_open_calendar.png" width="345" height="304" /></p></div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span><time datetime="2016-05-05T14:27:48-04:00" title="Thursday, May 5, 2016 - 14:27">Thu, 05/05/2016 - 14:27</time> </span> Thu, 05 May 2016 18:27:48 +0000 admin 15486 at Filtering Gmail to Find Office 365 Store and Forward Messages <span>Filtering Gmail to Find Office 365 Store and Forward Messages</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p><em>WARNING: The TSO Help Desk does not support Gmail.  If you decide to use Gmail as a Store and Forward destination, you do so at your own risk.  The information in this HowTo has been provided for your benefit, and is unsupported.</em></p><p>If you use the Store and Forward option with Gmail as a destination, you may be interested in identifying which messages have arrived via that functionality.  Unfortunately, there is no simple method to filter for these messages.  However, it is possible to tag these messages with a Gmail Label of your choice using Google's scripting functionality. </p><ol><li> Go to and click "Start Scripting".<img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/googleScripting.png" width="800" height="579" /></li> <li> Grab the code from and replace the starter code. Edit the label name and email address at the top (O365LABEL and LOOPADDR, respectively). Then save the file and name the project.<img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/googleCodeChad.png" width="800" height="591" /></li> <li> Optionally, test the script using the Run menu (or triangle button). If you have any new Office 365 mail forwards in the last hour, the new label should be applied.</li> <li> To make the script run every hour, choose “Current Project’s Triggers” from the Resource menu.<img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/gmailScriptProjectTrigger.png" width="744" height="600" /></li> <li> Click the "No triggers set up. Click here to add one now." link to create a new trigger.<img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/gmailSetScriptTrigger.png" width="800" height="185" /></li> <li> The default is an hourly trigger.  If that will be sufficient, select "Save".  Otherwise, change the trigger to your satisfaction and select "Save".<img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/gmailSaveScriptTrigger.png" width="800" height="241" /></li></ol><p>Now that Labels are being applied on a scripted basis, it should be a simple matter to process them using Gmail's built-in filtering functionality (which is beyond the scope of this HowTo).</p></div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span><time datetime="2016-03-10T15:00:27-05:00" title="Thursday, March 10, 2016 - 15:00">Thu, 03/10/2016 - 15:00</time> </span> Thu, 10 Mar 2016 20:00:27 +0000 admin 15459 at How to Remotely Wipe Your Mobile Device with Office 365 <span>How to Remotely Wipe Your Mobile Device with Office 365</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>If you have your Office 365 email account configured on your mobile device, it is possible to remotely wipe your device from within Office 365. This is useful if your phone goes missing or is stolen and you want to be sure that any sensitive data stored on it will not be compromised.</p><p>CAUTION! This procedure will clear all data on the mobile phone, including installed applications, photos, and personal information.</p><ul><li> Log in to your Office 365 account at using your GT credentials.</li> <li> Click on the gear icon on the top right of your screen and select <strong>Options</strong>.</li></ul><p> <img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/Screen_Shot_2015-03-24_at_11.12.28_AM.png" width="230" height="434" /></p><ul><li> On the menu on the left side of your screen, under <strong>General</strong>, select <strong>Mobile Devices</strong>.</li></ul><p><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/Screen_Shot_2015-03-24_at_11.12.49_AM.png" width="200" height="285" /></p><ul><li> You should see any devices that are currently connected to your Office 365 email listed on the screen. Select the device you want to wipe and click on the <strong>Wipe Device</strong> icon.</li></ul><p><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/Screen_Shot_2015-03-24_at_11.13.02_AM.png" width="732" height="265" /></p><ul><li> A window will pop up asking if you are sure that you want to wipe your device. Select <strong>Yes</strong> to confirm the wipe. </li></ul><p><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/Screen_Shot_2015-03-24_at_11.13.12_AM.png" width="329" height="158" /></p><p>The next time your phone attempts to connect to your Office 365 account, all data on the phone will be wiped.</p></div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span><time datetime="2015-03-25T10:43:10-04:00" title="Wednesday, March 25, 2015 - 10:43">Wed, 03/25/2015 - 10:43</time> </span> Wed, 25 Mar 2015 14:43:10 +0000 admin 15302 at Configure Delegates in Office 365 <span>Configure Delegates in Office 365</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>1. Log in to your Office 365 account at</p><p>2. Under your folders heading in Outlook, click on More for a better view of your inbox folders. </p><p><img alt="Screen Shot 2015-02-20 at 12.31.52 PM.png" src="/sites/default/files/Screen_Shot_2015-02-20_at_12.31.52_PM.png" width="387" height="492" /></p><p>3. Right click on the inbox folder you would like to share. If you would like to share all folders in your inbox, right click on your name. </p><p><img alt="Screen Shot 2015-02-20 at 12.31.26 PM.png" src="/sites/default/files/Screen_Shot_2015-02-20_at_12.31.26_PM.png" width="487" height="600" /></p><p>4. Select Permissions. You will now see a list of anyone who has permissions to this folder and what rights they have. </p><p><img alt="Screen Shot 2015-02-20 at 12.21.07 PM.png" src="/sites/default/files/Screen_Shot_2015-02-20_at_12.21.07_PM.png" width="662" height="600" /></p><p>5. To give someone access to the folder, click the + button at the top of the window. You will be given a field to type their name in. </p><p><img alt="Screen Shot 2015-02-20 at 12.21.37 PM.png" src="/sites/default/files/Screen_Shot_2015-02-20_at_12.21.37_PM.png" width="509" height="600" /></p><p>6. After selecting a person to add, you will be able to choose what permissions they have to your inbox using predefined permissions settings in the drop-down menu or by configuring custom settings. </p><p><img alt="Screen Shot 2015-02-20 at 12.22.06 PM.png" src="/sites/default/files/Screen_Shot_2015-02-20_at_12.22.06_PM.png" width="433" height="301" /></p><p>7. Once you've set these permissions the person whom you are sharing the inbox folder with will need to log into their Office 365 account, right click on their name and select "Add Shared Folder". They will then enter your name and click "Add". </p><p><img alt="Screen Shot 2015-02-20 at 12.44.12 PM.png" src="/sites/default/files/Screen_Shot_2015-02-20_at_12.44.12_PM.png" width="376" height="600" /></p> <p>You have now successfully shared your inbox folder! </p></div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span><time datetime="2015-02-20T12:47:19-05:00" title="Friday, February 20, 2015 - 12:47">Fri, 02/20/2015 - 12:47</time> </span> Fri, 20 Feb 2015 17:47:19 +0000 admin 15282 at Add Google Gmail Calendar to Office 365 <span>Add Google Gmail Calendar to Office 365</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>You can click on the link below to learn how to find your Google calendar address.<br /><a href=""></a><br /> Then, please follow the steps below to add this calendar.<br /> 1. Log in to the portal of Office 365 through <a href=""></a> with your account.<br /> 2. Click Calendar.<br /> 3. Right click on My Calendars and click open calendar.<br /> 4. Past the Google calendar address you just get into the box of Internet calendar and click open.</p></div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span><time datetime="2015-02-13T11:43:15-05:00" title="Friday, February 13, 2015 - 11:43">Fri, 02/13/2015 - 11:43</time> </span> Fri, 13 Feb 2015 16:43:15 +0000 admin 15279 at Exporting your mailbox from OS X Mail <span>Exporting your mailbox from OS X Mail</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>This article documents exporting a mailbox from OS X Mail to a local file.  With Mail open, select the desired mailbox, then select Export Mailbox... from the Mailbox menu.</p><p class="rtecenter"><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/osxMailExportFirst.png" width="727" height="600" /></p><p>In the next window, select the "Export all subfolders" checkbox and the desired location of the file, then click Choose.</p><p class="rtecenter"><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/osxMailExportFinal.png" width="800" height="574" /></p><p>The export process will then begin.  The status of the export process can be seen by opening the Activity window from the Window menu.</p><p class="rtecenter"><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/osxMailActivityWindow.png" width="604" height="522" /></p></div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span><time datetime="2015-02-06T12:46:41-05:00" title="Friday, February 6, 2015 - 12:46">Fri, 02/06/2015 - 12:46</time> </span> Fri, 06 Feb 2015 17:46:41 +0000 admin 15271 at Share Files with OneDrive <span>Share Files with OneDrive</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>Typically, you can't email very large files (see <a href="/faq/how-big-attachment-can-i-email"></a> for sample maximum file sizes).  Even if an attachment's size falls within the allowed sizes, sending files to multiple recipients, such as through a mailman list, can really slow down delivery time as well as chew up recipients' mailbox quotas.  You can avoid this by sharing the file through OneDrive.  Here, we'll show you how to do so using the Office 365 web interface.</p><ol><li> Log into Office 365 by visiting <a href=""></a> and inputting your GT credentials (If your email has not yet been migrated to Office 365, you can visit <a href=""></a>.  If you're not already logged into CAS, you'll be taken to a Microsoft login page.  Enter your username in the format <em>GTaccountname</em> and hit the <strong>Enter </strong>key on your keyboard.  You'll then be taken to a GT login page where you can enter your GT credentials).</li> <li> Click the grid/waffle<strong> </strong>near the top left of the window and select <strong>OneDrive</strong>.</li></ol><p><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/share_1.png" width="495" height="591" /></p><ol start="3"><li> If you've not yet uploaded the file, click <strong>Upload </strong>and select the desired file.</li> <li> Once it's uploaded, right-click the file you wish to share.  Then, click <strong>Get link</strong>.</li></ol><p><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/share_2.png" width="733" height="566" /></p><ol start="5"><li> To change the sharing permissions, select the link (as shown below) in the sharing dialog window.</li></ol><p><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/share_3.png" width="481" height="180" /></p><ol start="6"><li> In the <strong>Permissions</strong> dialog window, change the drop-down menu to <strong>Anyone with this link</strong> and select <strong>OK.</strong><br /><br /><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/share_4.png" width="306" height="349" /></li></ol><ol start="7"><li> In the confirmation window, select <strong>Copy</strong> and then close the window.</li></ol><p><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/share_5.png" width="481" height="179" /></p><ol start="8"><li> At the top left, click the waffle and then <strong>Mail </strong>to return to your mail (or switch to your mail client).</li></ol><p><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/share_6.png" width="318" height="591" /></p><ol start="9"><li> Paste the link into the body of your email.  Anyone should be able to access the file without needing a login.</li></ol><h3> To stop sharing</h3><ol><li> Right-click on the file and select <strong>Details.</strong><br /><br /><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/stop_sharing_1.png" width="690" height="593" /><br />  </li> <li> Select the arrow/triangle to expand <strong>Sharing </strong>details, then select <strong>Stop sharing</strong>.<br /><br /><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/stop_sharing_2.png" width="319" height="525" /><br />  </li> <li> In the confirmation window, select <strong>Stop sharing</strong> and then close the window.<br /><br /><img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/stop_sharing_3.png" width="481" height="185" /><br />  </li></ol></div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span><time datetime="2014-12-12T09:44:30-05:00" title="Friday, December 12, 2014 - 09:44">Fri, 12/12/2014 - 09:44</time> </span> Fri, 12 Dec 2014 14:44:30 +0000 admin 15226 at Configure iOS for Office 365 <span>Configure iOS for Office 365</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><ol><li> Open <strong>Settings </strong>&gt; <strong>Mail, Contacts, Calendars</strong></li></ol><p><img alt="photo 1.PNG" src="/sites/default/files/photo_1.PNG" width="338" height="600" /></p> <ol start="2"><li> Click <strong>Add Account</strong>.</li></ol><p><img alt="photo 2.PNG" src="/sites/default/files/photo_2.PNG" width="338" height="600" /></p> <ol start="3"><li> Click <strong>Exchange</strong>.</li></ol><p><img alt="photo 3.PNG" src="/sites/default/files/photo_3.PNG" width="338" height="600" /></p><ol start="4"><li> In the <strong>Mail Account Setup</strong> window, input the following: <ol><li> <strong>E-mail address</strong>:  Enter it in the format <em>GTaccountname</em></li> <li> <strong>Password</strong>:  <em>your GT account password</em>.</li> <li> <strong>Description</strong>:  <em>a description of your choice</em></li> </ol></li> <li> Click <strong>Next</strong>.</li></ol><p><img alt="photo 4.PNG" src="/sites/default/files/photo_4.PNG" width="338" height="600" /></p> <ol start="6"><li> Select the apps you wish to use and click <strong>Save</strong>.</li></ol><p><img alt="photo 5.PNG" src="/sites/default/files/photo_5.PNG" width="338" height="600" /></p></div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span><time datetime="2014-09-26T15:10:35-04:00" title="Friday, September 26, 2014 - 15:10">Fri, 09/26/2014 - 15:10</time> </span> Fri, 26 Sep 2014 19:10:35 +0000 admin 15186 at Configure Mac Mail for Office 365 <span>Configure Mac Mail for Office 365</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><ol><li> Open Mac Mail.</li> <li> If this is your first time opening Mac Mail, you'll be prompted to add an account; choose <strong>Exchange</strong>.  Otherwise, click <strong>Mail </strong>&gt; <strong>Add Account</strong><strong> </strong>&gt; <strong>Exchange</strong>.</li> <li> Click <strong>Continue</strong>.</li></ol><p><img alt="Screen Shot 2014-09-26 at 8.54.47 AM.png" src="/sites/default/files/Screen_Shot_2014-09-26_at_8.54.47_AM.png" width="412" height="348" /></p><ol start="4"><li> In the <strong>Mail Account Setup</strong> window, input the following: <ol><li> <strong>Name</strong>:  <em>your name</em></li> <li> <strong>E-mail address</strong>:  Enter it in the format <em>GTaccountname</em></li> <li> <strong>Password</strong>:  <em>your GT account password</em>.</li> </ol></li> <li> Click <strong>Continue</strong>.</li></ol><p><img alt="Screen Shot 2014-09-26 at 8.55.18 AM.png" src="/sites/default/files/Screen_Shot_2014-09-26_at_8.55.18_AM.png" width="456" height="392" /></p><ol start="6"><li> Click <strong>Continue </strong>on the Account Summary screen.</li> <li> Select the apps you wish to use and click <strong>Done</strong>.</li></ol><p><img alt="Screen Shot 2014-09-26 at 8.56.23 AM.png" src="/sites/default/files/Screen_Shot_2014-09-26_at_8.56.23_AM.png" width="420" height="346" /></p></div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span><time datetime="2014-09-26T13:21:36-04:00" title="Friday, September 26, 2014 - 13:21">Fri, 09/26/2014 - 13:21</time> </span> Fri, 26 Sep 2014 17:21:36 +0000 admin 15184 at Configure Outlook 2011 for Office 365 <span>Configure Outlook 2011 for Office 365</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><ol><li> Open Outlook 2011.</li> <li> If this is your first time opening Outlook, you'll be prompted to add an account; choose <strong>Exchange or Office 365</strong>.  Otherwise, click <strong>Outlook </strong>&gt; <strong>Preferences </strong>&gt; <strong>Accounts </strong>&gt; <strong>+ </strong>&gt; <strong>Exchange</strong>.</li> <li> In the <strong>Mail Account Setup</strong> window, input the following: <ol><li> <strong>E-mail address</strong>:  Enter it in the format <em>GTaccountname</em></li> <li> <strong>User name</strong>:  Enter it in the format <em>GTaccountname</em></li> <li> <strong>Password</strong>:  <em>your GT account password</em>.</li> <li> <strong>Configure automatically</strong>:  checked.</li> </ol></li> <li> Click <strong>Add Account</strong>.</li></ol><p><img alt="Screen Shot 2014-09-26 at 9.42.48 AM.png" src="/sites/default/files/Screen_Shot_2014-09-26_at_9.42.48_AM.png" width="465" height="294" /></p><ol start="5"><li> When prompted to allow autodiscover to configure settings, click <strong>Allow</strong>.</li></ol><p><img alt="Screen Shot 2014-09-26 at 9.44.40 AM.png" src="/sites/default/files/Screen_Shot_2014-09-26_at_9.44.40_AM.png" width="443" height="274" /></p></div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin</span></span> <span><time datetime="2014-09-26T11:32:18-04:00" title="Friday, September 26, 2014 - 11:32">Fri, 09/26/2014 - 11:32</time> </span> Fri, 26 Sep 2014 15:32:18 +0000 admin 15183 at