TSO has been performing maintenance over the past two months to improve the stability of the current user account system used to provision accounts and resources in the CoC. We are pleased to report that the scripts used to create/remove accounts and add/remove resources have been repaired and updated to work in our more secure environment. TSO has been careful not to allow any automated processes to run that may incorrectly remove accounts or resources during this maintenance period.

Since the maintenance is now complete, we plan to run these automated processes on Wednesday, March 4, 2009. This means that users with a CoC account may receive an email notice that certain resources are being removed from their account or the account may be scheduled to expire. Please read the email notice carefully to see what changes will be made to your account.

Please note: Undergraduate students that are not currently sponsored by a faculty or staff member for research or TA positions will have their access removed. You may receive requests from undergraduates that work in these positions for approval to keep their accounts active. Also, CoC collaborators without current sponsorship in the user account system will be contacting you for renewal of their account and resources. TSO will be glad to extend their privileges upon faculty or staff approval.

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