On Tuesday, October 21, 2008, beginning at 5:00 PM, TSO will move the systems listed below to make space for new rack storage in CCB 247. During the move, which is expected to last until 8:00 PM, October 21, these systems will be intermittently unavailable.

Affected systems/services:
glyptal.cc.gatech.edu: redundant DNS server
voreg.cc.gatech.edu: mailman.cc.gatech.edu mailing list server
aarhus.cc.gatech.edu: part of the GOATS system
yp5.cc.gatech.edu: redundant yp server

In addition to these server moves, the former UNIX mailhome kalgan.cc.gatech.edu will be permanently powered off and retired during this maintenance period.

Update: The move was completed at 6:20 PM.

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