Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Sort descending Date
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - Mon, Dec 28 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - Thurs, Feb 11 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - Tues, April 27 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - Wed, June 2 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - Thurs, July 29th Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - Thurs, Sept 23rd Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - 11/30/21 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - 1/27/22 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - 3/3/22 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - 4/14/22 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - 6/2/22 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - 7/28/22 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - 8/10/22 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - 10/5/22 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - 2/23/23 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - 3/28/23 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - 3/29/23 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Outage Campus-wide DUO Outage Dual authentication (DUO) outage.
Outage Partial CoC network outage Due to a scheduled campus network maintenance, some college networks are inaccessible.
Outage RIM Website Outage Due to an AC failure in one of TSO's machine rooms, was made unavailable for several hours.
Outage Ypmaster was Down Due to painting of server room
Maintenance Email Domain Decomissioning - 4/3/24 During an audit of TSO email systems, we have determined these domains may not be used anymore and are decommissioning them.
Maintenance CCB 1st Floor Instructional Labs Network Maintenance During Spring Break, the switches that provide networking for Instructional lab spaces on the 1st floor of CCB will be upgraded.
Maintenance Banner/Oscar Maintenance DWPROD, MPROD, FISCH3, FPRPROD, IAMPROD, MPROD, and PRODBOB will be unavailable.
Maintenance Early Adopters Email Migration Early adopter mailboxes will be migrated to Office 365 and On-Premise Exchange Services.