Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Sort descending Date
Maintenance DreamSpark Maintenance DreamSpark will be offline.
Maintenance Dreamspark Maintenance Dreamspark/ELMS maintenance.
Maintenance Dreamspark Maintenance Dreamspark/ELMS maintenance.
Maintenance TSO Support site update - 07/23/24 Drupal core will be updated on This release will include other minor updates to the system.
Maintenance College Website Update - 9/17/24 Drupal core will be updated to the latest supported version on the College website.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance 2/26 Drupal websites are being patched for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance 4/10 Drupal websites are being patched for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance 4/25 Drupal websites are being patched for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance 5/14 Drupal websites are being patched for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Emergency Maintenance Drupal websites are being patched for security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance Drupal websites are being patched for security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance Drupal websites are being patched for security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance Jan 2 Drupal websites are being patched on OIT's web hosting.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance 10/7 Drupal websites are being patched to prepare for the PHP 7.2 upgrade.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - 8/13/20 Drupal websites on the Plesk servers will be connected to the Git repositories
Maintenance Drupal Websites Emergency Maintenance Drupal websites patching for security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Emergency Maintenance Drupal websites patching for security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Emergency Maintenance Drupal websites patching for security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance Drupal websites patching in preparation for PHP 7 update.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - April 1 Drupal websites will be patched for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - April 2 Drupal websites will be patched on OIT's web hosting for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - May 28 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - June 25 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - Thu, Sep 24 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - Tues, Nov 24 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.