Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Sort descending Description Date
Maintenance DNS Traffic Capture A temporary test will be conducted on the network switch that has the DNS server
Maintenance DNS Update Removing DNS server pointer through nightly.update.
Maintenance DNS update Removing DNS server pointer through nightly.update.
Maintenance DNS Update Updating DNS server pointers through nightly.update.
Outage dollars disk hx2 failure dollars hx2 disk failed
Outage Door Key Management System Hung The door key management system was hung, causing the Key Safe Status web page to disploay incorrect data.
Maintenance Dreamspark Maintenance Dreamspark/ELMS maintenance.
Maintenance DreamSpark Maintenance Routine maintenance.
Maintenance Dreamspark Maintenance Dreamspark/ELMS maintenance.
Maintenance DreamSpark Maintenance DreamSpark will be offline.
Maintenance DreamSpark Maintenance DreamSpark will be offline.
Maintenance DreamSpark Maintenance DreamSpark will be offline.
Maintenance DreamSpark Maintenance DreamSpark will be offline.
Maintenance DreamSpark Maintenance DreamSpark will be offline.
Maintenance DreamSpark Maintenance The ELMS for DreamSpark Team will take the CoC DreamSpark ELMS software center offline.
Maintenance DreamSpark Maintenance The ELMS for DreamSpark Team will take the CoC DreamSpark software center offline.
Maintenance DreamSpark Maintenance The ELMS for DreamSpark Team will take the CoC DreamSpark ELMS software center offline.
Maintenance Drupal 7 Websites Migration from Plesk to TSO Servers - February 6-8, 2023 TSO will migrate four Drupal 7 sites that are hosted on Plesk to TSO servers\r\r
Maintenance Drupal Website Scheduled Maintenance - 8/24/20 The College website will be updated to install a development module.
Maintenance Drupal Website Scheduled Maintenance - Thurs, Oct 28th The Webcast website will be upgraded to Drupal 9.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Content Freeze and Scheduled Maintenance Dec 30/31 Selected websites will be closed to editing while VM migrations and patching occur.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Emergency Maintenance Drupal websites patching for security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Emergency Maintenance Drupal websites patching for security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Emergency Maintenance Drupal websites patching for security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Module Update - 3/11/24 The Google Tag module will be added to the College and school Drupal websites.