Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Sort descending Description Date
Outage Backup server failure On Saturday April 24 the backups of the hosts listed below failed due to the Solstice service declaring the index files to be corrupt. The index check process hung and the databases had to be manually checked. Unfortunately the Backups for these hosts failed Saturday April 24th and Sunday April 26th. awesome davro blanche hagrid jupiter klaatu know malay2 murray myrna newblue rotnart
Maintenance Backup Server Maintenance The backup server will be down for maintenance.
Maintenance Backup Server Maintenance TSO will bring down the Solstice Backup server to expand its index directory.
Maintenance Backup Server Move Moving the backup server for the and domain controllers.
Maintenance Backup server retired Old backup system.
Outage Backup system down 2 drives failed.
Maintenance Banner Login Change Banner will begin using GT credentials.
Maintenance Banner Scheduled Maintenance Routine systems maintenance.
Maintenance Banner Scheduled Maintenance Routine maintenance.
Maintenance Banner Scheduled Maintenance Routine maintenance.
Maintenance Banner Scheduled Maintenance Banner database upgrade.
Maintenance Banner Scheduled Maintenance Banner scheduled maintenance.
Maintenance Banner Scheduled Maintenance Banner will be briefly unavailable for a software update.
Maintenance Banner Scheduled Maintenance Banner will be down for routine maintenance.
Maintenance Banner Scheduled Maintenance Routine patching and maintenance.
Maintenance Banner Update Pushing out the latest Banner Imaging Internet Explorer plug-ins.
Maintenance Banner Update Pushing out the latest Banner Imaging Internet Explorer plug-ins.
Maintenance Banner/Oscar & Buzzport Maintenance Banner/Oscar Student Information Systems will be unavailable.
Maintenance Banner/Oscar & Buzzport Maintenance Banner/Oscar Student Information Systems will be unavailable.
Maintenance Banner/Oscar & Buzzport Maintenance Banner/Oscar Student Information Systems will be unavailable.
Maintenance Banner/Oscar Maintenance Banner/Oscar software upgrade.
Maintenance Banner/Oscar Maintenance Banner/Oscar software upgrade.
Maintenance Banner/Oscar Maintenance Banner/Oscar Student Information Systems will be unavailable.
Maintenance Banner/Oscar Maintenance Banner/Oscar upgrades/patching.
Maintenance Banner/Oscar Maintenance Banner/Oscar Student Information Systems will be unavailable.