Note: Users must be on a College of Computing wired network or VPN to access ccsamba, winhome, or adminfs. How do I obtain the CoC VPN client?

To access your home directory or adminfs from a Mac:

  • click the Finder icon in the Dock
  • under the "Go" menu, select Connect to Server...
  • to connect to your samba drive, in the "Connect to Server" window, type smb://<username> where <username> is your CoC account username (i.e. smb://

   (Note: To save the smb:// Server Address, click the "+"  icon)

  • for non-UNIX staff, to connect to your home directory, in the "Connect to Server" window, type smb://$/<username> where <username> is your CoC account username (i.e. smb://$/uwanna). 

   (Note: To save the smb:// Server Address, click the "+"  icon)

  • to connect to adminfs, in the "Connect to Server" window, type smb://$ 

   (Note: To save the smb:// Server Address, click the "+"  icon)

  • click Connect
  • on the login window:
    • For adminsfs: your username should be AD\<gtusername> (i.e. AD\jbrinson3)
    • For winhome: your username should be AD\<gtusername> (i.e. AD\jbrinson3)
    • For ccsamba: your username is CC\<CoC username> (i.e. cc\uwanna). 
  • If you do not know your GT username password, please see Passport for instructions on resetting it. If you don't know your CoC password, please use this form:
  • Your directory will mount on your desktop


To make the directory auto-remount after a system reboot:

Because this method stores your domain credentials, you should only perform this if your Mac is password protected for logging in and waking from screensaver and sleep.  You'll also have to change your credentials in your keychain after a password change.  If you have to establish a VPN session to access your mapped drives, you should instead select an option under one of the headings below.

  • perform the steps above, clicking the checkbox Remember this password in my keychain when entering your credentials
  • enter System Preferences
  • click on Accounts and ensure your account is selected
  • click on Login Items
  • click on the + button to add another login item or drag and drop your mounted drives into the Login Items pane
  • locate the network drive you previously mounted and click Add
  • exit out of System Preferences


To make the directory remount with a click:

  • select Make Alias
  • when clicked after rebooting, you'll need to authenticate as described above


To make a shortcut in the Dock:

for 10.5 and newer

  • perform the steps under the first heading
  • drag the mapped drive icon from the window that opens to the dock
  • if the drive is not mounted when the shortcut is clicked, you will be prompted for your username and password