Submitted by admin on

Beginning December 17th and continuing through December 21st, campus facilities will begin major work on one of the chiller plants that provides air conditioning to buildings across campus. This will result in a reduced amount of air conditioning capacity to the College of Computing Building and the CCB Machine Room. There is a possibility that this reduced air conditioning capacity could result in the need to SHUT DOWN the CCB machine room. Further, this same reduction in chilled water capacity could also affect OIT and their facilities.

TSO and CoC Facilities have been in touch with Georgia Tech Facilities to communicate the need for sufficient cooling capacity to keep the machine room in operation. However, there are no guarantees that the chilled water supplied to the building during these five days will be sufficient to keep the machine room cool.

TSO will monitor the temperature of systems in the machine room and take actions necessary to protect equipment. This could mean turning systems off. TSO will work to keep everyone informed with regard to the status of the machine room and the systems within.


Russ Poole
Director, TSO