Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.
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Type of Notice | Title | Description Sort descending | Date |
Outage | Datacenter Switch Outage - 1/19/2023 | Uplink to datacenter switch was loose and caused network connectivity to several servers to drop. | |
Outage | Login Outage on CoC Linux Systems | User login access to CoC Linux systems was unavailable for a period of approximately 2.5 hours. | |
Outage | Home directory mapping to the Windows H: drive unresponsive | user unix home directory mapping to the Windows environment is unresponsive | |
Outage | GT Authentication Partial Outage | Users are experiencing intermittent authentication failures when trying to access systems using GT authentication. | |
Outage | ccsamba Outage | Users are unable to log into ccsamba | |
Outage | Office 365 Webmail Login Problems | Users are unable to login to GT webmail. | |
Outage | VPN Authentication Failure | Users could not authenticate to gain VPN access. | |
Outage | Filemaker Pro Outage | Users reported databases were inaccessible on | |
Outage | Login Problems | Users were experiencing difficulty logging into UNIX systems. | |
Outage | Partial Campus Services Outage | Various campus services are down or intermittent. | |
Outage | Virtual Machine Outage - 10/11/20 | Virtual Machines housed on the College's VM infrastructure were down | |
Outage | VMPS Server Failure | VMPS server failure. | |
Maintenance | Potential Campus Water Outage | Water service to GT's Atlanta campus may be turned off. | |
Outage | ( patching issues | We are experiencing some issues with the patching on Voreg. We are troubleshooting the issues at this time. | |
Maintenance | Reboot | We are making a configuration change to that requires a reboot to complete the change. | |
Outage | Updated: College of Computing Building Data Center Overheating | We have been notified of networking equipment, server hardware, shutting down from high ambient temperature. | |
Outage | College of Computing Building Data Center Overheating | We have been notified that the Data Center in CCB 247 is overheating. TSO members are working to shut down servers & clusters. | |
Maintenance | DNS Configuration Change | We will be making a minor configuration change to improve our metrics. | |
Maintenance | website maintenance 2/14 | We will be moving onto a VM and upgrading to PHP 7.1 | |
Maintenance | website maintenance 2/21 | We will be moving onto a VM and upgrading to PHP 7.1 | |
Maintenance | Website Maintenance on 2/25 | We will be moving onto a VM and upgrading to PHP 7.1 | |
Maintenance | College Website Maintenance on Tue, 12/17 | We will be moving the College website onto a VM and upgrading to PHP 7.2. | |
Maintenance | School Websites Maintenance on 3/19 | We will be moving the CSE, IC, and SCS school sites onto a VM and upgrading to PHP 7.1. | |
Maintenance | Older Research Servers Retirement | We will be permanently retiring these servers | |
Maintenance | AD Server Maintenance and Upgrade | We will be upgrading Active Directory. There is no expected user impact, however it is possible that authentication, DNS, kerberos, or access to adminfs file shares may be temporarily interrupted during the upgrade period, especially if the upgrade does not go as planned. |