Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Sort ascending Date
Maintenance Update - 11/17/22 TSO will perform a backup and update of
Outage TSO Infrastructure Linux Systems Patching - 5/8 TSO will patch the production Linux servers and VM hosts, as well as the web database servers.
Maintenance TSO Operations Linux Systems Patching TSO will patch the production Linux servers
Maintenance TSO Operations Linux Systems Patching TSO will patch the production Linux servers
Maintenance NFS Server Retirement TSO will move the data currently available through NFS on to a new server,
Maintenance Server Issues TSO will move the CoC staff feedback form at to a new server.
Maintenance Network Fiber Maintenance TSO will move fiber connections.
Maintenance User Account Management Upgrade TSO will modify the CoC user account management system.
Maintenance Drupal 7 Websites Migration from Plesk to TSO Servers - February 6-8, 2023 TSO will migrate four Drupal 7 sites that are hosted on Plesk to TSO servers\r\r
Maintenance NIS Server Migration TSO will migrate a NIS slave server.
Maintenance NIS Server Migration TSO will migrate a NIS slave server.
Maintenance Configuration Change TSO will make a minor configuration change to the home directory server
Maintenance DHCP Migration to OIT DHCP Servers, part 2 TSO will finish switching over DHCP services to OIT's DHCP appliance.
Maintenance to be decommissioned TSO will decommission the site for the Comms group
Maintenance Swiki - to be decommissioned TSO will decommission the CoC Swiki
Maintenance Server decommissioning TSO will decommission several old servers
Maintenance TSO Operations Linux Systems Patching TSO will conduct routine systems patching, scheduled to avoid critical research and academic deadlines
Maintenance TSO Operations Linux Systems Patching TSO will conduct routine systems patching, scheduled to avoid critical research and academic deadlines
Maintenance Backup Server Maintenance TSO will bring down the Solstice Backup server to expand its index directory.
Maintenance TSRB Emergency Switch Code Upgrade TSO will be upgrading the code on the Cisco Catalyst 4506E switches located in the Technology Square Research Building (TSRB).
Maintenance Upgrading to Internet Explorer 8 TSO will be upgrading Internet Explorer to IE 8 on all managed Windows desktop computers.
Maintenance Power Work in CCB Datacenter TSO will be performing power work in the CCB Data Center
Maintenance TSRB Data Closet switch maintenance TSO will be performing network maintenance on the switches located in the Technology Square Research Building. 
Maintenance CCB Data Closet switch maintenance TSO will be performing network maintenance on the switches located in the College of Computing Building. 
Maintenance HR RT Website Maintenance - 07/10/2024 TSO will be performing maintenance on the College HR RT application server to resolve a security vulnerability.