Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Sort descending Description Date
Maintenance CCB Router Maintenance Moving the rack that the CCB router is in to make room for the installation of a new racking system.
Maintenance CCB Router Maintenance Upgrading the code on the CCB core router.
Maintenance CCB Router Maintenance Networking in the CCB and TSRB will be briefly unavailable.
Maintenance CCB Router Maintenance Networking in the CCB and TSRB will be briefly unavailable.
Maintenance CCB Scheduled Power Outage Planned power maintenance will impact the CCB data center.
Outage CCB Second Floor Power Outage Power to the second floor of CCB is currently disrupted
Maintenance CCB Wireless Access Point Upgrade OIT is upgrading all the wireless access points in CCB starting November 19th.
Maintenance CCB/KACB Power Outage and TSRB Network Outage - Jan. 11-12, 2020 Entire CCB and KACB building power outage.
Maintenance Maintenance Moving to new hardware.
Maintenance Maintenance Moving to new hardware.
Maintenance Migration Moving the filemaker pro databases back to
Maintenance Patching New FileMaker Pro server will be down.
Maintenance Rebuild Rebuilding the filemaker pro database server
Outage is down is offline
Maintenance Migration Migrating to new hardware.
Outage Outage The print server is unavailable.
Maintenance ccsamba Alias Change On June 29th at 5:00 pm the alias that points ccsamba to davro will be updated to point to holder.
Outage CCsamba Outage is currently unreachable.
Outage CCSAMBA Outage Samba home directory outage.
Outage ccsamba Outage Users are unable to log into ccsamba
Outage Ccsamba Outage ccsamba experienced a short outage.
Outage ccsamba outage ccsamba was inaccessible
Outage ccsamba Outage - 8/18/22 ccsamba was inaccessible
Outage CCSamba Server Outage Samba service down due to system diagnostics.
Outage CCSamba Server Outage CCSamba server outage.