Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Sort ascending Title Description Date
Maintenance RIM Network Upgrade TSO is upgrading the networking equipment on the CCB 2nd floor south side.
Maintenance MyGaTech Maintenance MyGaTech servers undergoing maintenance.
Maintenance TSRB Network Maintenance Network maintenance in TSRB.
Maintenance Routine Unix Server Patching Day 1 Semesterly system patching.
Maintenance Windows Server Maintenance All Windows-based server routine patching and maintenance
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - Tues, April 27 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - 7/28/22 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Firewall Scheduled Maintenance Firewall module code upgrade.
Maintenance Chilled Water Planned Maintenance Chilled water outage.
Maintenance Mopier Installation College mopier replacement.
Maintenance UNIX Systems Patching, Day 1 Routing system maintenance.
Maintenance TSO Office 365 Migration TSO Exchange mailboxes will be migrated to Office 365.
Maintenance Continuum Door Control Upgrade SCAS is upgrading the Continuum door control system.
Maintenance Windows Server Maintenance The motherboard battery is failing and needs to be replaced.
Maintenance MyGaTech Intermittently Unavailable MyGaTech/Zimbra will be intermittently unavailable.
Maintenance Upgrading Domain Controller Hardware Replacing with newer hardware.
Maintenance Monitoring server move At 2:00 pm, Thursday, February 26, 2009, TSO will be relocating from CCB 247 to KACB 2219 server room. During this time, server monitoring services will be unavailable. No user services will be affected.
Maintenance Exchange Server Patching Patching the Exchange server.
Maintenance Enabling multicast on router Multicast needs to be re-enabled on the main router
Maintenance DNS Change Pointing to the new UNIX print server.
Maintenance CCB Chilled Water Maintenance Upgrade to the CCB chilled water supply.
Maintenance Older Linux and Solaris System Changes TSO will alter access to several older TSO-managed Linux and Solaris servers and desktops.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - 2/23/23 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Website Scheduled Maintenance - 11/05/21 The College website will be updated to fix layout issues.
Maintenance CCB/KACB Power Outage and TSRB Network Outage - Jan. 11-12, 2020 Entire CCB and KACB building power outage.