Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Sort descending Date
Outage CCB 247 data center overheat issue The temperature rapidly rose in the CCB Data Center. 
Maintenance Patching The terminal server for ara windows sessions will be patched at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, March 31, 2009.
Maintenance New help@cc feedback survey The TSO Help Desk is adding a feedback survey to the 'Resolved' message from Help Desk ( RT tickets. The link - which begins with - is not phishing and may be safely clicked to provide additional feedback to TSO about the service you received.
Maintenance TSO HelpDesk during the CCB Power Outage Dec. 18-21, 2018 The TSO HelpDesk will be relocated to Klaus 1123 during the CCB power outage
Outage Outage The TSO ticketing system was offline.
Maintenance TSRB Power Maintenance The TSRB building will be without power starting on Friday, March 11, 2011.
Outage TSRB MDF Power Outage The TSRB MDF Data Center experienced a power event.
Maintenance UNIX Print Server Upgrade The UNIX print server will be upraded.
Outage UNIX Print Server Restarted The UNIX print server was rebooted.
Maintenance Website Maintenance and Content Freeze - 2/28-3/6 The updated version of the website will be moved to the Production server and a content freeze will be issued for the current website.
Maintenance website maintenance The updated version of the website will be moved to the Production server.
Maintenance CoC Network Upgrade The uplink will be upgraded to 10 Gigabit.
Outage Mailman Outage The virtual server hosting experienced issues and became unresponsive.
Outage VPN server down The VPN server was down
Outage CoC Websites Outage The web content server was unresponsive.
Outage Websites Outage The web database server is not accessible
Outage Web Database Server Outage The web database VM server had a storage issue and went into a paused state.
Outage Partial Web Services Outage The web database server and a few other virtual machines went offline.
Outage Partial Web Services Outage The web database server and another VM went offline.
Maintenance Web Home Directory Server Reboot The web home directory server will be rebooted.
Maintenance Web Server Hardware Upgrade The web server esperanto will be unavailable for hardware upgrades.
Maintenance Drupal Website Scheduled Maintenance - Thurs, Oct 28th The Webcast website will be upgraded to Drupal 9.
Maintenance Webex Upgrade The Webex license for campus will be upgraded by OIT
Outage Multiple Website Outages The webserver pleuma became unresponsive.
Outage Offline The website is offline.