Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Sort descending Title Description Date
Outage nagios down nagios went down at approx 5 pm
Outage GA Tech Network Outage GA Tech lost connectivity to the Internet
Outage Partial DNS Outage Secondary DNS servers unable to resolve .org domain.
Outage GT Authentication Partial Outage Users are experiencing intermittent authentication failures when trying to access systems using GT authentication.
Outage CoC Websites Outage Some CoC websites were offline.
Outage CoC Exchange Outage CoC Exchange is unreachable.
Outage Email Delays CoC email delivery may be delayed.
Outage VM Outage A VM host was rebooted which caused several VMs to become unavailable.
Outage CCB Door Control CCB BuzzCard door access is down.
Outage VM Cluster Outage A storage server attached to the VM Cluster hung causing several VMs to pause unexpectedly
Outage Mailing List Outage There was a failure with Mailman over the holiday weekend.
Outage Research Drupal Web Server Outage was offline.
Outage Multiple Research Server Outage Multiple network servers offline.
Outage Partial CoC VPN Outage Some CoC VPN users were unable to reach their home directories.
Outage Network Outage The north side of campus lost network connectivity.
Outage Academic Server Outage Network connectivity loss for 4 servers.
Outage ARA Outage ARA ran out of memory
Outage Filemaker Server Outage Filemaker Pro Server temporary failure.
Outage Samba issues on ccsamba The Faculty home directory server ccsamba is inaccessible.
Outage CCB Datacenter Power Outage Power to the College of Computing Building Datacenter (CCB247) was lost, causing the servers housed there to lose power and shutdown.
Outage Killerbee3 Outage Server outage due to hardware failure.
Outage Email Delivery Delays Some email flowing through CoC mailheads has been delayed.
Outage BuzzCard Center Outage The BuzzCard Center is unable to upload data to Continuum.
Outage TSRB Data Center A/C Outage Several TSRB servers were powered off due to heat.
Outage CoC Exchange Outage CoC Exchange Certificate Expiration