Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Sort ascending Title Description Date
Outage Partial CoC Web Outage Partial CoC website outage.
Outage Partial Research Web Outage Partial research web outage caused by hardware failure.
Outage Minor Degraded Service - Mopiers Image file printing to mopiers on Windows is failing.
Outage School Website and outage School websites and were down due to issues following patching
Outage Mailman Outage - 6/19/2020 Temporary Mailman Outage
Outage Outage experienced an unplanned outage today due to a hardware problem.
Outage Partial Office 365 Outage Email clients that use the IMAP protocol to access Office 365 are unable to automatically load data from Office 365.
Outage Campus Network Outage Campus network was at reduced functionality.
Outage CCB Door Control Outage CCB BuzzCard door access is down for CCB.
Outage Killerbee3 Killerbee3 became unresponsive at 5:03PM and wasn't responding on the console. The server was rebooted at 5:25PM and the server was back up at 5:27PM.
Outage Partial CoC Email Delivery Delay Some CoC email was delayed.
Outage CoC Website Outage The main CoC website has been offline.
Outage NFS Failure on NFS failed on
Outage Secondary MX Server Down Hung SMTP service delayed email delivery.
Outage Localized Network Outage in CCB At approximately 8:15AM November 12, 2009, it was discovered that a switch in the first floor north data closet in CCB had failed. Users on that switch were re-routed to another switch and network service was restored by 9:10AM November 12, 2009.
Outage Partial Outage is not returning a complete listing of students when faculty login.
Outage Virtual Machine Outage - 12/15/20 Several VMs went into a paused state.
Outage and unavailable The patching on Rhampora and Mud caused incompatibilities with RT and the apache modules used by both. We are working to resolve the issues. UPDATE: RT is back up! Rhampora is still being worked on.
Outage QuickTime Streaming Server Back Online
Outage ARA Outage experienced a brief outage.
Outage Prism Outage Prism directories are unavailable.
Outage Partial TSRB Network Outage - 2nd Floor One of the two switches on 2nd floor north side became unresponsive.
Outage LAWN Outage LAWN was unavailable from the CCB.
Outage Zimbra Client timeouts
Outage IMPORTANT: Campus Water Main Break and Data Centers Shutdown A major water main break at Hemphill Avenue and Ferst Drive near the MaRC Building due to the failure of the line.