Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Sort ascending Title Description Date
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance 4/25 Drupal websites are being patched for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Active Directory Cleanup The CoC Active Directory will undergo a routine cleanup.
Maintenance Network Fiber Maintenance TSO will move fiber connections.
Maintenance Emergency Windows Server Maintenance All Windows-based server routine patching and maintenance
Maintenance AdminFS and Winhome Server Maintenance System reboot for diagnostics.
Maintenance Retiring of Services on Email Servers Retiring POP3s and IMAPs services on email servers
Maintenance TSRB Network Maintenance & UPS Repair TSO will upgrade the TSRB core router. APC will repair a server UPS.
Maintenance Campus VPN Maintenance Routine VPN appliance maintenance.
Maintenance Windows Server Patching Routine monthly patching
Maintenance update will be updated to fix an XML date issue
Maintenance OIT Network Maintenance - 4/20 The OIT Network Team will be performing a series of gateway router, border firewall, and ISP connection upgrades and migrations.
Maintenance Network outage for moe and luigi moving the network connections for moe and luigi
Maintenance Windows Server Patching Routine patching on Windows.
Maintenance Home Directory Migration Several users' home directories will be migrated to new hardware.
Maintenance Windows Server Patching Routine monthly patching
Maintenance TSRB Electrical Maintenance TSRB MDF Data Center will be shut down.
Maintenance Windows Test Server Patching Routine monthly patching
Maintenance Website Scheduled Maintenance - 11/01/21 The College website will be upgraded to Drupal 9.
Maintenance PassPort Maintenance Password changes through PassPort will be unavailable.
Maintenance LANDesk Patching Making Windows XP SP3 and post-SP3 patches available.
Maintenance Setting up CC to GTAD Trust A one-way trust will be established between the CC AD domain and the campus GTAD domain.
Maintenance Emergency Windows Patching Patching of a critical Windows vulnerability.
Maintenance CC Login Server Maintenance The server obama will be moved to the KACB server room.
Maintenance Killerbee5 Retirement The last of the older killerbee servers, killerbee5, will be permanently retired.
Maintenance DNS Traffic Capture A temporary test will be conducted on the network switch that has the DNS server