Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Sort ascending Description Date
Maintenance update will be updated to fix an XML date issue
Outage Unavailable is unavailable.
Maintenance Patching will be intermittently unavailable for patching.
Maintenance Patching The terminal server for ara windows sessions will be patched at 5:00 PM on Tuesday, March 31, 2009.
Maintenance Maintenance Performing maintenance and a move on
Maintenance Certificate Replacement The certificate for will be replaced.
Outage and academic lab linux desktops are down and the academic lab linux desktops are down due to latency when trying to launch a GNOME session. We are currently looking at smb issues with mounting home directories.
Maintenance ARA Upgrade ARA will be upgraded to the newest version.
Maintenance ARA System Upgrade The ARA system will be upgraded to the newest version
Outage ARA Restarted The ARA service was restarted.
Outage ARA Outage experienced a brief outage.
Outage ARA Outage ARA ran out of memory
Maintenance ARA Maintenance ARA will be intermittently unavailable
Maintenance APC Preventative Maintenance - 2/3/21 WHAT’S HAPPENING?\r\rAPC technicians will be on site to preform preventative maintenance work for the APC equipment in the CCB 247 data center.\r\rWHEN IS IT HAPPENING?\r\rWednesday February 3rd, starting at 10AM\r\rWHY IS IT HAPPENING?\r\rPreventative maintenance is being performed as part of the College's APC maintenance contract.\r\rWHO IS AFFECTED?\r\rNo user impact is expected.\r\rWHAT DO YOU NEED TO DO?\r\rNo user action is required.\r\rWHO SHOULD YOU CONTACT FOR QUESTIONS?\r\rFeel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (CCB 212, 404.894.7065,\r\r
Maintenance APC Preventative Maintenance APC technicians will be on site Friday August 14th at 10AM to preform preventative maintenance work for the APC equipment in KACB 2219 and CCB 247 data centers.
Outage Anonymous FTP Server Outage is unavailable.
Outage Air Conditioning Outage A campus air conditioning outage resulted in excessive temperatures in the CoC HPCF (High Performance Computing Facility).
Maintenance Migration Migrating to new hardware.
Outage AdminFS Reboot Backup attempt caused a server reboot.
Outage AdminFS Offline AdminFS file server is offline.
Outage AdminFS Offline The AdminFS server was offline.
Outage Adminfs Offline The ADMINFS server was breifly offline.
Outage AdminFS is unresponsive The windows file server AdminFS became unresponsive after patching this evening at 5:15pm.
Outage Adminfs Down is down
Maintenance Adminfs being rebooted Rebooting the adminfs server