Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Sort descending Date
Maintenance Decomissioning Windows Server A licensing server that is no longer being used will be decommissioned.
Outage IMPORTANT: Campus Water Main Break and Data Centers Shutdown A major water main break at Hemphill Avenue and Ferst Drive near the MaRC Building due to the failure of the line.
Outage Partial KACB network outage A network module in a switch in KACB on the 1st floor had a failure which affected some offices in the area of 1304 - 1330.
Outage HPCF network failure A network switch in HPCF suffered a power supply failure, which resulted in loss of network connectivity for some hosts.
Outage IC Research Network outage A network switch serving the Skynet and CBA Clusters went offline this weekend.
Outage Exchange & BlackBerry Server Outage A networking change caused an outage for Exchange and BES.
Outage Networking Issue - 11/09/20 A networking issue caused problems with a few College sites and services
Maintenance Addition of a New MTA A new MTA (mail transfer authority) will be added to the college's existing rotor on Tuesday, September 9, 2008.
Maintenance Website Migration A number of CoC websites will begin to undergo a server migration.
Maintenance Setting up CC to GTAD Trust A one-way trust will be established between the CC AD domain and the campus GTAD domain.
Maintenance Server Patch Removal A patch issued by Sun Microsystems is causing a memory leak and must be removed.
Outage Phishing Campaign using GT accounts A Phishing attempt is occurring that is compromising accounts and resending the phish
Outage Partial CoC Network Outage A portion of the 1st floor of the CCB's network was offline.
Outage Partial CCB Network Outage A portion of the 1st floor of the CCB's network was offline.
Outage Partial TSRB Network Outage A portion of the 2nd floor of TSRB was without network connectivity.
Outage Power Failure A power strip went bad resulting in shutting down.
Outage TSRB Data Center Power Outage A schedule fire alarm test by building management in TSRB resulted in an unintended and automatic emergency power down on one of the CoC TSRB Data Center power distribution units (PDU). This resulted in an outage for several CoC research related servers. The servers are back online and operational.
Outage KACB Networking Outage A short networking outage affecting wired networks in KACB
Outage VM Cluster Outage A storage server attached to the VM Cluster hung causing several VMs to pause unexpectedly
Outage CCB network switch outage A switch in the CCB 1st floor South data closet had a hardware failure.
Outage CCB Data Center Switch Outage A switch in the CCB Data Center went offline.
Outage TSRB Switch Reboot A switch in the TSRB Data Center stopped working for several servers and was rebooted.
Maintenance DNS Traffic Capture A temporary test will be conducted on the network switch that has the DNS server
Outage Partial CCB Network Outage A UPS in the CCB 1S data closet failed.
Outage VM Outage A VM host was rebooted which caused several VMs to become unavailable.