Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Sort descending Date
Outage CoC Exchange Outage CoC Exchange was unreachable.
Maintenance CoC Office 365 Migration CoC faculty, staff, and College-employed student employee mailboxes will be migrated to Office 365.
Maintenance CoC Office 365 Migration CoC faculty, staff, and some student employee mailboxes will be migrated to Office 365.
Outage CoC Networking Issue CoC networks are experiencing lag, packet loss.
Maintenance Unused UNIX groups to be eliminated CoC UNIX groups without members will be deleted.
Maintenance VLAB Offline for Cloning CoC VLAB instance will be cloned to additional machines.
Outage Zimbra Login Issues CoC Zimbra servers are experiencing login problems
Maintenance GT Border Firewalls Maintenance Code upgrades to the border firewalls.
Maintenance Mopier Installation College mopier replacement.
Outage Brief network outage College of Computing networking experienced a brief outage.
Maintenance Network Maintenance College of Computing networks are being moved onto OIT provided hardware
Maintenance Network Maintenance on 12/30 College of Computing networks are being moved onto OIT provided hardware
Outage Brief Network Outage College of Computing wired networks experienced a brief outage
Outage CommVault Server Outage CommVault backup/restore services are offline.
Maintenance Sharepoint Maintenance Consolidating into
Maintenance Continuum Card Access System Maintenance Continuum Buzzcard Door Access system upgrade.
Outage CCB 2nd Floor Cooling/Network Outage Cooling and networking are disabled in the RIM space in CCB.
Outage CCB Machine Room Cooling Cooling problems in CCB machine rooms
Maintenance Campus Network Maintenance Core campus router software upgrade.
Maintenance CoC Network Maintenance - VSS Core router service upgradge.
Outage Rohan Cluster Outage Core switch for the rohan cluster is offline
Maintenance Emergency Server Patching Critical patching to secure against the WannaCry/WannaCrypt malware.
Maintenance Emergency Windows Server Maintenance Critical Windows server patching.
Maintenance Database Migration Database migration scheduled Saturday, December 22, 2007 from 7:30 AM -1130 AM.
Outage Office 365 IMAP Connection Errors Degradation of IMAP/POP infrastructure.