Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Sort ascending Title Description Date
Outage Outage The research collaboration server suffered a disk failure in its RAID array.
Outage Intermittent LDAP Authentication Failures GT account authentication is failing intermittently.
Outage Network Outage - North Campus Loss of network connectivity for all of north campus.
Outage ( patching issues We are experiencing some issues with the patching on Voreg. We are troubleshooting the issues at this time.
Outage Partial CoC Email Delivery Delay Some CoC email was delayed.
Outage Research Backup System Offline The backup server for research systems is offline while disk maintenance is performed.
Outage LAWN Outage LAWN was unavailable from the CCB.
Outage Zimbra Client timeouts
Outage Blackberry Sendmail Outage Blackberry sendmail ceased to function due to a hung process on the server.
Outage Email and VPN Outage and VPN access to the CC are down
Outage Email Delivery Issues The Sun required patches caused the Sendmail configuration to fail on the CoC email gateways.
Outage TSRB MDF Cooling Outage The servers in the TSRB MDF are being shut down.
Outage Ypmaster server rebooted The server stopped exporting the password file.
Outage CCB 247 data center overheat issue The temperature rapidly rose in the CCB Data Center. 
Outage Rebooted Server restarted to check for compromise and to patch a vulnerability.
Outage Secondary MX Server Down Hung SMTP service delayed email delivery.
Outage Localized Network Outage in CCB At approximately 8:15AM November 12, 2009, it was discovered that a switch in the first floor north data closet in CCB had failed. Users on that switch were re-routed to another switch and network service was restored by 9:10AM November 12, 2009.
Outage Snoopy (2nd Floor CCB Mopier) Outage Notification that Snoopy will be temporarily unavailable.
Outage YP/NIS Master Server Rebooted Server lost connection
Outage Zimbra Email Outage and were unavailable.
Outage New SSH Connection Outage New SSH connections were unable to be made to several UNIX systems.
Outage WebEx Outage Joining WebEx meetings not fully functional.
Outage Campus Network Connectivity Issues - 12/17 Parts of campus experienced networking issues
Outage TA App website not accessible is giving a 503 error
Outage Offline is offline.