Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Sort descending Date
Outage CCB 247 Chilled Water Outage CCB 247 chilled water outage
Maintenance CCB Network Emergency Maintenance CCB 3rd floor North switch reboot.
Outage CCB Door Control Outage CCB BuzzCard door access is down for CCB.
Outage CCB Door Control CCB BuzzCard door access is down.
Maintenance CoC CCB CrashPlan Destination Maintenance CCB CrashPlan backup servers offline for rack migration.
Maintenance CCB Network Maintenance CCB Data Center and 3rd floor network maintenance
Outage Data Center Outage CCB Data Center is being shutdown.
Outage Chill Water Outage CCB machine room chill water outage.
Outage is down is offline
Outage Ccsamba Outage ccsamba experienced a short outage.
Outage CCSamba Server Outage CCSamba server outage.
Outage ccsamba outage ccsamba was inaccessible
Outage ccsamba Outage - 8/18/22 ccsamba was inaccessible
Outage CCsamba Outage is currently unreachable.
Outage Rebooted was rebooted.
Outage Emergency Ccsamba Restart will be restarted.
Maintenance Patching needs to be taken offline briefly for maintenance.
Outage kernel panic cgi server experienced a kernel panic
Maintenance Changes to Instructional Labs Changes to Instructional Lab Resources for spring.
Outage SharePoint outage Changes to SharePoint not functioning
Maintenance Windows Server DNS Switchover Changing DNS forward for and DNS servers
Maintenance LANDesk Server Change Changing to point to new LANDesk server
Maintenance Changes Changing the directory structure and shares on WinDepot.
Maintenance Chilled Water Planned Maintenance Chilled water outage.
Outage CoC Chiller Failure Chiller units failed in CoC server room