Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Date Sort ascending
Outage Nagios Failure Nagios monitoring server was offline.
Maintenance Nagios Server Reboot System patches
Maintenance CC Student Zimbra Upgrade Upgrading Zimbra to v5 on
Maintenance zimbra updgrade cancelled The server, which provides zimbra e-mail services via it's web interface, and as, has had it's upgrade cancelled due to the inability to perform the upgrade in the window allocated to it. TSO has returned the server to its normal operationg state, and queued mail for students is being delivered. TSO will re-evaluate the upgrade process for the server, determine a process that can perform the upgrade in a timely manner, and resechedule another upgrade in the near future. Thank you for your patience.
Outage Rebooted Server restarted to check for compromise and to patch a vulnerability.
Maintenance CC Zimbra Server Maintenance Updating the backup software and rebooting the CC Zimbra email servers.
Outage Rebooted Server rebooted after it became unresponsive.
Outage Rebooted General-purpose UNIX system rebooted.
Outage Temporary BlackBerry Outage BlackBerries could not lookup addresses or send emails.
Maintenance Patching New FileMaker Pro server will be down.
Outage Rebooted The fileserver was rebooted after it became unresponsive.
Outage nagios down nagios went down at approx 5 pm
Maintenance Testing on BlackBerry Server BlackBerry services may be affected during this test.
Outage Academic Remote Access Server Restarted became unresponsive
Outage Poor Network Performance
Outage BlackBerry Services Down CC BlackBerries not updating
Outage adminfs Unable to write to adminfs
Outage Reboot of CC Domain Controller Rebooted one CC domain controller.
Maintenance Email reconfiguration Reconfiguring spam filter
Outage is Down The server is down.
Maintenance gaia3 power supply failure The server must be taken offline for repair.
Outage Limited Home Directory Outage Some directories affected.
Maintenance Network outage for CCB 1st floor south side of the building Because of the demolition on the 2nd floor, alternate fiber connections to the network equipment was installed for the 1 South Data closet (off CCB mail room). The outage is to move the equipment to the new fiber paths which should take at most 15 minutes.
Maintenance Email Servers Move Moving Zimbra email servers
Outage Helsinki reboot rebooted in order to properly remount directories