Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Sort ascending Title Description Date
Outage Brief network outage - 5/11/22 Started 3:30pm - notified at 3:45pm\rResolved at 4:15pm
Outage DNS Resolution Failure DNS services for the College failed.
Outage Down The website was unavailable.
Outage The gomez:/net/ht104 file system is down A hardware failure occured
Outage Switch Power Supply Failure KACB 1300 switch lost a power supply.
Outage CCsamba Outage is currently unreachable.
Outage Exchange & BlackBerry Server Outage A networking change caused an outage for Exchange and BES.
Outage Partial CoC Web Outage Partial CoC website outage.
Outage Partial Research Web Outage Partial research web outage caused by hardware failure.
Outage Partial outage of Network and CoC VM Infrastructure - 10/10/2024 Associated with a network problem that began around 8:07pm, a number of Virtual Machines housed on the College's VM infrastructure were down. VMs were restored by 10:20pm
Outage Mailing List Outage There was a failure with Mailman over the holiday weekend.
Outage Killerbee SSH Outage SSH service on the killerbee cluster is unresponsive.
Outage Network Home Directory Outage - Killerbee Cluster Networking malfunction on the YP servers caused network mounts to fail.
Outage Partial Exchange/BES Outage Some users are unable to connect to Exchange or BES
Outage Outage The TSO ticketing system was offline.
Outage Brief Mailman outage mailman was inaccessible and was not sending out mail
Outage BlackBerry Email Services Degraded CoC BlackBerries unable to send email
Outage Website Outage Static webpages were unavailable.
Outage Academic Remote Access Server Restarted became unresponsive
Outage CoC Network Slowness At 15:15 on February 24, TSO noticed connectivity and slowness issues within the CoC network. A server in the Samoa cluster was causing the problem. has been taken off the network while we investigate the cause.
Outage Reboot became unresponsive and was rebooted.
Outage Partial CoC Email Delivery Delay Some CoC email was delayed.
Outage Old email infrastructure retirement Retiring the old email infrastructure and decommissioning its hardware.
Outage CoC Account Password Reset Form issues - 3/4/21 The CoC Account Password Reset Form is currently not working
Outage Uniflow Outage - 5/12/22 Started 3:30pm - notified at 3:45pm\rResolved at 5/12/22 at 9am