Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Sort descending Description Date
Outage CoC Network Slowness At 15:15 on February 24, TSO noticed connectivity and slowness issues within the CoC network. A server in the Samoa cluster was causing the problem. has been taken off the network while we investigate the cause.
Maintenance CoC Network Upgrade The uplink will be upgraded to 10 Gigabit.
Outage CoC Networking Issue CoC networks are experiencing lag, packet loss.
Maintenance CoC Office 365 Migration CoC faculty, staff, and some student employee mailboxes will be migrated to Office 365.
Maintenance CoC Office 365 Migration CoC faculty, staff, and College-employed student employee mailboxes will be migrated to Office 365.
Outage CoC PhD Review Site ( Unavailable cannot connect to Banner.
Maintenance CoC print server ( upgrade The print server will be migrated to a newer server to address stability issues
Outage CoC Research SVN/TRAC, FTP, & PHP/MySQL Down The research community SVN/TRAC, FTP, and PHP/MYSQL web programming services are currently down.
Outage CoC Routers Rebooted - 3/7/24 The failover pair of routers for CoC were rebooted one at a time this morning at 5:00AM as they had been up for 3.5 years.  There was an issue with IPv6 traffic no longer working, and a reboot was suggested.  The pair is a failover, and the inactive router was rebooted first, but this still caused a brief network interruption.
Maintenance CoC User Account Maintenance Turning on the automated account maintenance processes.
Maintenance CoC VPN Maintenance The CoC VPN will be reconfigured to allow CoC grad students to use the system.
Outage CoC VPN Outage The CoC VPN is unavailable.
Outage CoC VPN Outage The departmental VPN is refusing some connections.
Maintenance CoC VPN Reconfiguration The CoC VPN will be reconfigured to use GT account usernames and passwords.
Maintenance CoC Website Language Change The CoC website's language was modified to display in English to fix an outstanding issue.
Maintenance CoC Website Language Change The CoC website's language was modified to display in English to fix an outstanding issue.
Maintenance CoC Website Maintenance Performing upgrade on
Maintenance CoC Website Maintenance The main web server will be undergoing a minor upgrade on Tuesday, February 24th at 5:00 pm to allow for some case insensitivity in the URLs. Service could be intermittent during this window. TSO does not anticipate any problems from this change, but some pages could experience unforeseen complications. TSO will be monitoring the website closely over the next few weeks in order to correct any problems or revert to the case sensitive model if necessary.
Outage CoC Website Outage The main CoC website has been offline.
Outage CoC Website Outage Several websites were offline.
Outage CoC Website Outage The main CoC website was offline.
Outage CoC Websites Outage The web content server was unresponsive.
Outage CoC Websites Outage Some CoC websites were offline.
Outage CoC Websites Outage Some CoC websites were offline.
Outage CoC Websites Outage Some CoC websites were responding slowly and were intermittently unavailable.