Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Sort descending Date
Maintenance Windows Server Decomissioning - 2/25/21 A Windows Server will be decommissioned and its services transferred to other servers.
Maintenance Academic Service SSL Certificate Upgrade Academic services will have their SSL certificates replaced.
Outage Unavailable Access to unavailable
Outage Service interuption to CoC SMTP server Access to temporarily limited to campus/VPN.
Maintenance NIS Master Migration Account creation and modification will not be possible during this time.
Maintenance Server Patching & Mail Head Added and will be patched and rebooted. will be brought online and added as another redundant mail head server.
Outage Server Outage went offline
Maintenance Activating New YP Servers Activating and on the .114 subnet.
Maintenance Active Directory Cleanup Active Directory maintenance.
Maintenance Windows Active Directory Migration Active Directory migration from CCAD to GTAD.
Maintenance Upgrade web server Add RAM to web server
Outage AdminFS Offline AdminFS file server is offline.
Outage Adminfs Down is down
Outage BlackBerry Services down Affects email, calendaring, and contacts on CC BlackBerry devices.
Outage Exchange Email Outage All email clients including the web interface were unable to login to the Exchange server.
Maintenance Router Code Upgrade All Intranet/Internet traffic for all CoC subnets will be affected while the router is being rebooted. ** Completed by 6:15PM **
Maintenance Chilled Water Maintenance ALL of CCB will be without regulated temperature for approximately 60 hours.
Maintenance KILLERBEE System Patching All of the KILLERBEE general access research servers will be patched and rebooted.
Outage TSRB MDF Server Outage All server nodes in TSRB were down beginning at approximately 8:30 AM 7/12/11. The Power Distribution Unit (PDU) failed and shut down. Power has been restored.
Outage Partial web services outage All TSO managed Drupal websites were unavailable for about 30 minutes.
Maintenance Emergency Windows Server Maintenance All Windows-based server emergency patching and maintenance
Maintenance Windows Server Maintenance All Windows-based server routine patching and maintenance
Maintenance Windows Server Maintenance All Windows-based server routine patching and maintenance
Maintenance Windows Server Maintenance All Windows-based server routine patching and maintenance
Maintenance Windows Server Maintenance All Windows-based server routine patching and maintenance