Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Date Sort ascending
Outage Partial Web Services Outage The web database server and another VM went offline.
Outage Partial Web Services Outage The web database server and a few other virtual machines went offline.
Maintenance Website Update - 7/24/23 The website will be updated from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 and moved to a new VM server.
Maintenance Website Update - 7/07/23 The new CRNCH site will go live July 7th between 10:00am and 12:00pm.
Maintenance Windows Server Maintenance All Windows-based server routine patching and maintenance
Outage TSO Virtual Machine Environment Outage - 7/3/2023 At 7:12AM on Monday, July 3rd, TSO discovered the virtual machine environment hosting instruction, research, and infrastructure virtual machines was having network issues and is currently in an unstable state. Many services are affected including and several other websites, as well as instructional and research VMs.
Maintenance College Website Update - 6/29/23 Google Analytics tracking code will be added to the College site for the Google Analytics 4 upgrade.
Maintenance Klaus Wireless Equipment Upgrade OIT will upgrade the existing wireless equipment throughout the Klaus Advanced Computing Building
Outage Web Database Server Outage The web database VM server had a storage issue and went into a paused state.
Maintenance killerbee Migration TSO will migrate the killerbee cluster from the existing blend of physical and virtual servers to two virtual servers
Maintenance Website Update - 6/26/23 The website will be updated from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 and moved to a new VM server.
Outage Brief power outage in TSRB data center Some research servers in the TSRB data center were offline.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Module Update - 6/15/23 The Google Analytics module will be updated on the Drupal websites to prepare for the Google Analytics 4 upgrade.
Maintenance Windows Server Maintenance All Windows-based server routine patching and maintenance
Maintenance DNS Cleanup Removing old entries in excess of 2 years from IPAM
Maintenance Firewall and switch software upgrades OIT will upgrade the software on firewalls and Cisco Catalyst 4506/4510 switches across campus
Maintenance update will be updated to fix an XML date issue
Maintenance killerbee3 being turned off TSO will turn off killerbee3 to clone the VM for testing upgrades to the killerbee cluster.
Maintenance Windows Server Maintenance All Windows-based server routine patching and maintenance
Outage Some Drupal Website Outage - 3/31/23 Some College of Computing and School sites were inaccessible.
Maintenance KACB first floor mopier relocation The mopier located on the first floor of KACB has been relocated to the KACB 1329 recycling area
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - 3/29/23 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance - 3/28/23 Drupal websites will be patched to apply the fix for a security vulnerability.
Maintenance Update - 3/28/23 A Drupal module will be added to the main College website.
Maintenance to be decommissioned TSO will decommission the site for the Comms group