Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Sort descending Title Description Date
Outage Power Outage Power outage in the CoC machine room
Outage Campus Network Outage Campus wide network outage.
Outage Air Conditioning in HPCF One of the air conditioner motors failed. Temperature was monitored throughout.
Outage Outage NFS and RPC failure on
Outage Campus Wireless Issues Ongoing wireless LAWN connectivity issues on campus.
Outage Exchange Authentication Outage Exchange authentication failures due to hung domain controller.
Outage OIT DNS Outage The OIT Windows Server team renamed the Windows DNS servers for, which caused DNS problems for Mac machines bound to GTAD. The Academic labs were not affected because we manually override the DNS server setting with the IP address.
Outage Partial Campus Power Outage Power outage resulting in a few server outages.
Outage Partial Web Services Outage The web database server and a few other virtual machines went offline.
Outage Data Center Outage CCB Data Center is being shutdown.
Outage Continuing Website Outages One of TSO's webservers experienced hardware failures causing intermittent failures and extended downtime.
Outage Killerbee4 Emergency Reboot Emergency reboot to restore service.
Outage LPR Outage LPR was disabled for Linux and UNIX.
Outage CoC Networking Issue CoC networks are experiencing lag, packet loss.
Outage Offline is offline.
Outage Updated: College of Computing Building Data Center Overheating We have been notified of networking equipment, server hardware, shutting down from high ambient temperature.
Outage Static web infrastructure in read-only mode
Outage Email outage The email server is unresponsive
Outage CommVault Server Outage CommVault backup/restore services are offline.
Outage Partial Campus Network Outage Networking on the east side of campus and most wireless LAWN was offline.
Outage Samba server reboot Samba server had become unresponsive
Outage Website Outage ~ webpages were unavailable.
Outage Office 365 IMAP Connection Errors Degradation of IMAP/POP infrastructure.
Outage Research Backup System Offline The backup server for research systems is offline while disk maintenance is performed.
Outage Website Offline The website was unavailable.