Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Sort ascending Title Description Date
Outage Partial Network Outage in TSRB Partial network outage in TSRB.
Outage Outage The server suffered a disk failure in its RAID 5 array.
Outage Windows Print Services Failure Windows print services were restarted.
Outage GT Email Outage GT email outage.
Outage Mailing List Server Outage The CoC mailing list server,, experienced delays in the delivery of email.
Outage Partial TSRB Network Outage - 2nd Floor One of the two switches on 2nd floor north side became unresponsive.
Outage Campus Networking Outage Campus networking was down briefly. The College of Computing networks did not recover following this outage but have since been brought online.
Outage Brief Campus Network Outage Campus network outage.
Outage NFS services down NFS services down.
Outage CCB 2nd Floor Cooling/Network Outage Cooling and networking are disabled in the RIM space in CCB.
Outage Partial Mopier Outage Multiple CoC mopiers were not working as expected.
Outage Web Outage Web outage due to hardware issues.
Outage CAS Login Failures CAS logins are failing with the error “AuthenticationException”.
Outage Backups of TSO managed servers not replicated to remote storage Backup server replication was paused.
Outage CoC Exchange Outage CoC Exchange was briefly unreachable.
Outage is down is offline
Outage AdminFS Offline AdminFS file server is offline.
Outage LAWN DHCP Problems Ongoing LAWN DHCP failure.
Outage Increased SPAM Anti-spam configuration change
Outage Down The website was unavailable.
Outage Prism Samba Home Directory issues in the labs. Sluggish problems with mounted network home directories from campus Samba servers (
Outage GT LDAP Outage GT LDAP/GTED outage.
Outage Websites Outage The web database server is not accessible
Outage Partial CoC Network Outage Partial network outage resulting in the loss of some web and printing services.
Outage College of Computing Building Data Center Overheating We have been notified that the Data Center in CCB 247 is overheating. TSO members are working to shut down servers & clusters.