Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Sort ascending Title Description Date
Outage Potential Email Delays Email delays
Outage Network Outage 4/28 The College router became unresponsive and required a reboot. Services were restored after the reboot.
Outage CCsamba Outage is currently unreachable.
Outage Outage was rebooted.
Outage Backup system down 2 drives failed.
Outage Windows Printing Down Windows printing was offline.
Outage Helsinki reboot rebooted in order to properly remount directories
Outage Partial DNS Outage Secondary DNS servers unable to resolve .org domain.
Outage Parital delayed mail delivery from Some mail sent to mailing list on CoC's mailman service are delayed.
Outage TSRB Datacenter Outage One of the TSRB data center power distribution units (PDU) went offline.
Outage Wireless LAWN issues Wireless LAWN is experiencing issues.
Outage Nagios Failure Nagios monitoring server was offline.
Outage Unresponsive Web server was victim of DoS attack.
Outage TSRB MDF Server Outage All server nodes in TSRB were down beginning at approximately 8:30 AM 7/12/11. The Power Distribution Unit (PDU) failed and shut down. Power has been restored.
Outage Brief power outage in TSRB data center Some research servers in the TSRB data center were offline.
Outage Intermittent CoC Site Outage The main CoC website was intermittently unavailable.
Outage Research Drupal Web Server Outage was offline.
Outage Multiple Research Server Outage Multiple network servers offline.
Outage Partial CoC VPN Outage Some CoC VPN users were unable to reach their home directories.
Outage VPN server down The VPN server was down
Outage Print Server Outage Printing through was unavailable.
Outage Pasta Cluster Outage The pasta cluster was unavailable.
Outage is Down The server is down.
Outage Air Conditioning in HPCF One of the air conditioner motors failed. Temperature was monitored throughout.
Outage Outage NFS and RPC failure on