Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Sort ascending Title Description Date
Outage Intermittent Authentication Failures On GT Authenticated Systems GT authenticated servers are failing LDAP user/group assignment.
Outage Backups of TSO managed servers not replicated to remote storage Backup server replication was paused.
Outage Website Migration New CoC websites moved to production.
Outage dollars disk hx2 failure dollars hx2 disk failed
Outage RIM Website Outage Due to an AC failure in one of TSO's machine rooms, was made unavailable for several hours.
Outage Samba Intermittent Issues Home directory mounting and performance issues.
Outage Delay in Email Delivery Delay in Email Delivery
Outage CoC Network Slowness At 15:15 on February 24, TSO noticed connectivity and slowness issues within the CoC network. A server in the Samoa cluster was causing the problem. has been taken off the network while we investigate the cause.
Outage NFS Failure NFS failure on the web server
Outage Website Offline website is unresponsive
Outage Campus Network Intermittant Outage Campus VPN and LAWN outage.
Outage FileMaker Pro Outage The FileMaker Pro database server was unreachable.
Outage Partial CoC Exchange Outage Searches are not working properly in Exchange
Outage Exchange Email Outage All email clients including the web interface were unable to login to the Exchange server.
Outage College of Computing Building Data Center Overheating We have been notified that the Data Center in CCB 247 is overheating. TSO members are working to shut down servers & clusters.
Outage Offsite Campus Network Issues Intermittent offsite campus network outages.
Outage Offline The website is offline.
Outage Offline The Zimbra server was offline.
Outage Exchange & BlackBerry Server Outage A networking change caused an outage for Exchange and BES.
Outage Website Offline website is unresponsive
Outage CCB BuzzCard Door Access BuzzCard door access failed for all doors in CCB.
Outage Partial DNS Outage Secondary DNS servers unable to resolve .org domain.
Outage OMSCS Website Outage OIT webhosting outage.
Outage Outage has been experiencing performance issues.
Outage Blackberry Enterprise Service Outage At approximately 3:30 PM today, GTRI experienced hardware failure on one of their Storage Area Network (SAN) devices, which cause an outage to the Blackberry Enterprise Service (BES). It is expected to be operational again at approximately 5:30 PM.