Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Sort ascending Title Description Date
Outage Swiki Outage The swiki server was unavailable.
Outage Filemaker Pro Outage The server stopped responding and had to be forcably restarted.
Outage Brief network outage - 5/11/22 Started 3:30pm - notified at 3:45pm\rResolved at 4:15pm
Outage and Outage The server was unresponsive.
Outage Website Outage Static web content served by the web server were unavailable
Outage SSL Certificate Outage Intermittent web services outage.
Outage Restart Restarting the server to correct volume access issues.
Outage OIT Plesk DNS Problems Loss of DNS entries on web-plesk11, one of OIT's web hosting servers.
Outage Campus Network Outage Campus experienced a widespread network outage.
Outage BlackBerry Outage Sending from CC BlackBerries was down
Outage BuzzCard Center Outage The BuzzCard Center is unable to upload data to Continuum.
Outage TSRB Data Center A/C Outage Several TSRB servers were powered off due to heat.
Outage Blackberry Enterprise Service Outage At approximately 3:30 PM today, GTRI experienced hardware failure on one of their Storage Area Network (SAN) devices, which cause an outage to the Blackberry Enterprise Service (BES). It is expected to be operational again at approximately 5:30 PM.
Outage Websites Outage The web database server is not accessible
Outage Update: Network Outage CCB First Floor North
Outage Unavailable is unavailable.
Outage mail handling issues had issues handling mail
Outage Killerbee SSH Outage SSH service on the killerbee cluster is unresponsive.
Outage Backups of TSO managed servers not replicated to remote storage Backup server replication was paused.
Outage Network Home Directory Outage - Killerbee Cluster Networking malfunction on the YP servers caused network mounts to fail.
Outage CoC Website Outage The main CoC website was offline.
Outage PRISM Emergency Maintenance PRISM home directories will be unavailable.
Outage nagios down nagios went down at approx 5 pm
Outage Partial CoC Email Delivery Delay Some CoC email was delayed.
Outage DHCP Outage Several CoC research and instructional servers lost network connectivity.