Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Sort descending Description Date
Maintenance Campus VPN Client Upgrade Upgrading the AnyConnect client.
Maintenance Campus VPN Maintenance Campus VPN code upgrades.
Maintenance Campus VPN Maintenance Routine VPN appliance maintenance.
Maintenance Campus VPN Maintenance Campus VPN code upgrades.
Maintenance Campus VPN Maintenance Campus VPN code upgrades.
Maintenance Campus VPN Maintenance Routine system maintenance.
Outage Campus VPN Partial Outage The campus VPN was refusing new connections.
Outage Campus Wireless Issues Ongoing wireless LAWN connectivity issues on campus.
Outage Campus Wireless Issues Wireless issues on the campus since the Fall.
Outage Campus-wide DUO Outage Dual authentication (DUO) outage.
Outage CAS Login Failures CAS logins are failing with the error “AuthenticationException”.
Maintenance CAS Maintenance CAS version and appearcance upgrade.
Outage CAS Outage CAS was unavailable.
Maintenance CC Login Server Maintenance The server obama will be moved to the KACB server room.
Maintenance CC Student Zimbra Upgrade Upgrading Zimbra to v5 on
Maintenance CC Zimbra Server Maintenance Updating the backup software and rebooting the CC Zimbra email servers.
Outage Rebooted Server restarted to check for compromise and to patch a vulnerability.
Outage Outage was unable to load
Maintenance Update - 3/28/23 A Drupal module will be added to the main College website.
Maintenance Website Scheduled Maintenance - 11/01/21 The College website will be upgraded to Drupal 9.
Maintenance Website Scheduled Maintenance - 11/05/21 The College website will be updated to fix layout issues.
Maintenance Website Scheduled Maintenance - 11/15/21 Social share functions will be added to the College website.
Maintenance CCAD DNS and Domain Controller Server Retirement Server decommissioning.
Maintenance CCAD DNS and Domain Controller Server Retirement Server decommissioning.
Maintenance CCAD Script Changes Part of our Windows Server 2003 decommissioning project.