Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.
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Type of Notice | Title | Description | Date Sort ascending |
Maintenance | Webex Upgrade | The Webex license for campus will be upgraded by OIT | |
Maintenance | Printing Support (Uniflow) Outage | Mopier outage will occur on Aug. 9th | |
Maintenance | Linux Systems Patching | Routine patching of TSO Linux servers | |
Outage | School Website and outage | School websites and were down due to issues following patching | |
Maintenance | Windows Server Maintenance | All Windows-based server routine patching and maintenance | |
Outage | Campus Network Issue | Campus is experiencing issues with networking | |
Outage | TSRB Partial Power Outage | The Technology Square Research Building experienced a partial power outage | |
Outage | OutLAN Outage Notice | OutLAN VLAN change affected user connectivity | |
Outage | CCB Second Floor Power Outage | Power to the second floor of CCB is currently disrupted | |
Outage | Service interuption to CoC SMTP server | Access to temporarily limited to campus/VPN. | |
Outage | Snoopy (2nd Floor CCB Mopier) Outage | Notification that Snoopy will be temporarily unavailable. | |
Outage | Campus Networking Issue | Campus is experiencing delays and timeouts to a variety of services across campus. OIT Network Services are investigating the problem. | |
Maintenance | Windows Server Maintenance | All Windows-based server routine patching and maintenance | |
Maintenance | Windows Server Maintenance | All Windows-based server routine patching and maintenance | |
Maintenance | TSO Signage Test | TSO Signage Testing | |
Maintenance | Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance 5/14 | Drupal websites are being patched for a security vulnerability. | |
Maintenance | Windows Server Maintenance | All Windows-based server routine patching and maintenance | |
Maintenance | Linux Systems Patching | Routine patching of TSO Linux servers | |
Outage | Network Outage 4/28 | The College router became unresponsive and required a reboot. Services were restored after the reboot. | |
Maintenance | Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance 4/25 | Drupal websites are being patched for a security vulnerability. | |
Outage | FileMaker Pro Outage ( | FileMaker Pro was inaccessible due to a full hard drive. Space was freed up and returned to functionality. | |
Maintenance | Drupal Websites Scheduled Maintenance 4/10 | Drupal websites are being patched for a security vulnerability. | |
Outage | Website Offline | website is unresponsive | |
Maintenance | School Websites Maintenance on 3/19 | We will be moving the CSE, IC, and SCS school sites onto a VM and upgrading to PHP 7.1. | |
Outage | Brief Network Outage | College of Computing wired networks experienced a brief outage |