Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Date Sort ascending
Maintenance Emergency Server Patching Critical patching to secure against the WannaCry/WannaCrypt malware.
Outage Website Offline Server outage due to hardware failure.
Outage Offsite Campus Network Issues Intermittent offsite campus network outages.
Outage Campus IT Services Degradation Intermittent outages of campus-wide IT services.
Maintenance Banner Scheduled Maintenance Routine systems maintenance.
Maintenance Microsoft Imagine and VMware Maintenance Routine patching.
Maintenance Emergency Windows Server Patching Emergency patching due to the WannaCry malware vulnerability.
Maintenance Linux Systems Patching, Day 2 Routine system upgrades.
Maintenance Linux Systems Patching, Day 1 Routine system upgrades.
Maintenance Chilled Water Maintenance Scheduled repair work to chilled water system.
Maintenance Departmental VPN Maintenance Routine system updates.
Maintenance Linux Systems Patching, Web Services Routine system upgrades.
Maintenance Windows Active Directory Migration Active Directory migration from CCAD to GTAD.
Maintenance DreamSpark Maintenance Routine maintenance.
Maintenance Firewall Scheduled Maintenance Firewall module code upgrade.
Maintenance Event Management System Upgrade Campus event management system upgrade.
Outage Partial Campus Power Outage Power outage resulting in a few server outages.
Maintenance BuzzMart Maintenance BuzzMart release upgrade.
Outage Partial CoC Network Outage Partial network outage resulting in the loss of some web and printing services.
Outage Partial TSRB Network Outage - 2nd Floor One of the two switches on 2nd floor north side became unresponsive.
Outage Partial CoC Web Outage Partial CoC website outage.
Outage OIT Plesk DNS Problems Loss of DNS entries on web-plesk11, one of OIT's web hosting servers.
Maintenance Firewall Scheduled Maintenance Routine code upgrade on the departmental firewall modules.
Outage Network Outage The CoC firewall was unstable.
Maintenance Departmental VPN Scheduled Maintenance Routine VPN appliance maintenance.