Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Sort descending Description Date
Outage Campus Network Issues Ongoing campus network issues.
Outage Campus Network Issues Reduced network performance.
Outage Campus Network Issues The campus network is currently experiencing issues.
Outage Campus Network Issues The campus network is currently experiencing issues.
Maintenance Campus Network Maintenance Upgrading network equipment in the North Interconnect.
Maintenance Campus Network Maintenance OIT will upgrade or replace some campus routers.
Maintenance Campus Network Maintenance Upgrading network equipment in the North and South Interconnects.
Maintenance Campus Network Maintenance Core campus router software upgrade.
Maintenance Campus Network Maintenance LAWN network maintenance affecting TSRB.
Outage Campus Network Outage Campus wide network outage.
Outage Campus Network Outage Campus network experienced intermittent connectivity issues.
Outage Campus Network Outage Campus experienced a widespread network outage.
Outage Campus Network Outage Campus-wide network outage.
Outage Campus Network Outage Campus network was at reduced functionality.
Outage Campus Network Outage On- and off-site campus network problems.
Outage Campus network outage Some parts of campus experienced network outages, both on wired networks and LAWN.
Outage Campus Network Outage The campus network experienced an outage ( offsite connectivity and wireless )
Outage Campus Network Outage The GT network was down.
Maintenance Campus Network Scheduled Maintenance Scheduled campus network maintenance to upgrade one of the core campus routers.
Maintenance Campus Network Scheduled Maintenance Campus core router maintenance.
Maintenance Campus Network, Firewall, & GTevents Maintenance Maintenance on the campus network and firewalls and on the GTevents system.
Outage Campus Networking Issue Campus is experiencing delays and timeouts to a variety of services across campus. OIT Network Services are investigating the problem.
Outage Campus Networking Outage Campus networking was down briefly. The College of Computing networks did not recover following this outage but have since been brought online.
Outage Campus Power Outage Multiple buildings on the Georgia Tech campus experienced a brief power outage.
Outage Campus Power Outage Multiple buildings on campus were without power.