Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Sort ascending Title Description Date
Outage Password Reset Form Outage The CoC online password reset form is offline.
Outage NFS on YP master server hung YP master server rebooted.
Outage Intermittent trouble with The server Swiki software became unresponsive around 6:17PM this evening. The server Swiki software was restarted at 6:15PM and it is going through it's normal reindexing of the site pages. This normally takes about 30 minutes. Afterwards, we expect the site to become availalble again.
Outage TSRB MDF Power Outage The TSRB MDF Data Center experienced a power event.
Outage and Rebooted Rebooted the general compute servers
Outage ARA Outage experienced a brief outage.
Outage Prism Outage Prism directories are unavailable.
Outage TSRB 2nd Floor Switch Outage - 5/28 A configuration change to one of the switches on the north side of the 2nd floor of TSRB caused the switch to become unresponsive at 10:07AM. After multiple reboots, the switch was brought back online at 10:40AM.
Outage Website Offline website is unresponsive
Outage Partial CoC Web Outage Partial CoC web site outage restored by server reboot.
Outage Killerbee SSH Outage SSH service on the killerbee cluster is unresponsive.
Outage Network Home Directory Outage - Killerbee Cluster Networking malfunction on the YP servers caused network mounts to fail.
Outage LAWN DHCP Problems Ongoing LAWN DHCP failure.
Outage Outage The TSO ticketing system was offline.
Outage Internet Outage Internet outage for new connections.
Outage Firewall Changes TSO will apply OIT's campus-level blocked ports at the College's border firewall.
Outage Network Outage CCB First Floor North
Outage Home Directory Server Restarted was rebooted.
Outage reboot ypmaster server ypmaster server stopped exporting nfs mounts and was rebooted.
Outage Mailman Service Outage The Mailman service was down over the weekend and has been recovered.
Outage Website Offline website is unresponsive
Outage OIT Webhosting Outage OIT Webhosting outage.
Outage Offline Some of the CoC swikis have been intermittently offline
Outage Zimbra Login Issues CoC Zimbra servers are experiencing login problems
Outage Research Collaboration Web Server Outage The Research Collaboration Web Server,, suffered a disk failure in its RAID 5 array.