Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Sort ascending Title Description Date
Outage Partial Office 365 Outage Email clients that use the IMAP protocol to access Office 365 are unable to automatically load data from Office 365.
Outage Campus Network Outage Campus network was at reduced functionality.
Outage Campus Network Issues Campus wireless services intermittently unavailable.
Outage Continuing Website Outages One of TSO's webservers experienced hardware failures causing intermittent failures and extended downtime.
Outage YP Master Reboot Rebooted
Outage School Website and outage School websites and were down due to issues following patching
Outage Mailman Outage - 6/19/2020 Temporary Mailman Outage
Outage Campus network outage Some parts of campus experienced network outages, both on wired networks and LAWN.
Outage CoC Network Outage The CoC network is unavailable.
Outage Offline is offline.
Outage Coweb Swiki Server Outage The swiki server is currently unavailable.
Outage Outage The swiki sites and were offline.
Outage GT Authentication Outage GT authentication services were intermittant.
Outage Increased SPAM Anti-spam configuration change
Outage and academic lab linux desktops are down and the academic lab linux desktops are down due to latency when trying to launch a GNOME session. We are currently looking at smb issues with mounting home directories.
Outage Certificate Installed The security certificate for was renewed and reinstalled
Outage RT Outage RT is down.
Outage Partial CCB Network Outage A UPS in the CCB 1S data closet failed.
Outage Email Delivery Issues Email with html links are neither delivered nor bounced.
Outage Blackberry Sendmail Outage Sending mail from blackberry devices attached to our Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) instance was non-functional. It was first observed at 8:45 AM on June 18. GTRI restarted the BES and sendmail began working again at 10:00 AM.
Outage Password Reset Form Failure The CoC password reset form was failing to successfullly change passwords.
Outage Partial CoC Mopier Authentication Outage Some users are unable to log into the CoC mopiers.
Outage CoC Websites Outage Some CoC websites were offline.
Outage Travel and Expense Site Problems The T&E website is experincing problems.
Outage OIT Network Outage Caused Exchange to be unreachable